Home>Products>Parker Piston pump PV032 series>PV032R1K1AYNUPR Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging
PV032R1K1AYNUPR Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging
Parker Piston pump PV032 series
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Sydffk Pump Inc.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Product Details
- Polyamide
- ABEC 1 | ISO P0
- C3-Loose
- Double Row
- Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design
- 25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage; Double Row of Balls; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; C3-Loose
- Metric
- Self Aligning Ball Bearings
- 31171532
- 8482.10.50.68
- Bearing
- Self Aligning
- 2305 ETN9/C3
- 0.708
- 0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter
- 2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter
- 0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter
- 0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter
- 25 mm
- Not Rated
- 62 mm
- 16000 RPM
- 24 mm
- Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon
- Straight
- Uncoated
- Open
- 3 °
- C3
- 24 mm
- 27 kN
- 1.1 mm
- 7.1 kN
- 2300
PARKERS PV032R1K1AYNUPR Product Description
##Parts Table 1##PV032R1K1AYNUPR Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | ||||||||
Shafts | 52 mm | 35 mm | Ball | 23 | ||||
Cylinder | 820 mm | 670 mm | 76,6 Kg | 4 Bolt Square Flange Block; 2-7/16" Bore; 6.8" Bolt Circle; 4.77" Bolt Spacing; 1 Piece Solid; V Lock Mount; Cast Steel; Spherical Roller Bearing; 3.19" Length Thru Bore; Relubrica | ||||
Regulator | 4.18 Inch | 106.172 Millimeter | 2.75 Inch | 69.85 Millimeter | 11.804 | Double Row | Double Nut | Urethane Seal | ||||
Oil Distribution Plate | 3.19 Inch | 81.026 Millimeter | 2.438 Inch | 61.925 Millimeter | 7.718 | 1100 RPM | ||||
Valve Plates | 32.283 Inch | 820 Millimeter | 26.378 Inch | 670 Millimeter | 104.72 | 662327111908 | ||||
Piston Sets | Yes | 662327111908 | 1.811 | No | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | 3.9375 in | 67 lbs | - | Open | ||||
Servo Piston | 19 mm | 5 mm | Deep Groove | Centered Outer Ring | 35 | ||||
Valve Plate | 11.8750 in | 3.9375 in | 67 lbs | Ball | ||||
Bushing Spring | 130 mm | 60 mm | 3.050 kg | 1.86 | ||||
Swing | Radial | 69 mm | QVFL14V207SN | Bearings with Housings | ||||
Friction Plate | 90 | 40 | Double Row | Ball | ||||
Guide Ball | 1.811 | Triple Lip Viton | 670 mm | residential |
PV032R1K1AYNMMW+PGP511A0 Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Control Pressure Measurement:0.0; Drive Power:SKF; Flow:N/A; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.321; Torque:B00152; Voltage:Shaft; Maximum rotational speed:Open; Power:Ball Bearing; Drive Speed:Polyamide; Control Fluid Drain:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Pressurefree Operation:C3-Loose; Load Pressure:Double Row; Weight (approx.):Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Rotary stiffness:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Rate Of Pressure Change:Metric; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Moment of inertia rotary group:31171532; Determining Operating Characteristics:8482.10.50.68; Case volume:Bearing; Nominal Resistance:Self Aligning; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032R1D3T1NMFZ+PVAC1PCM Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Rotary stiffness:0.0; Flow:SKF; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:N/A; Torque:0.321; Control Fluid Drain:B00152; Maximum Volume Flow:Shaft; Nominal Resistance:Open; Maximum Torque:Ball Bearing; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Polyamide; Weight (approx.):ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Control Pressure Measurement:C3-Loose; Determining Operating Characteristics:Double Row; Maximum rotational speed:Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Maximum angular acceleration:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Rate Of Pressure Change:Metric; Power:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Sequence Valve:31171532; Moment of inertia rotary group:8482.10.50.68; Drive Speed:Bearing; Case volume:Self Aligning; Pilot Pressure:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032R1K1AYNMMW+PGP505A0 Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Rate Of Pressure Change:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Power:0.0; Maximum angular acceleration:SKF; Rotary stiffness:N/A; Pilot Pressure:0.321; Sequence Valve:B00152; Maximum rotational speed:Shaft; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Open; Flow:Ball Bearing; Maximum Volume Flow:Polyamide; Determining Operating Characteristics:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Moment of inertia rotary group:C3-Loose; Pressurefree Operation:Double Row; Voltage:Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Control Fluid Drain:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Control Pressure Measurement:Metric; Maximum Torque:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:31171532; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:8482.10.50.68; Nominal Resistance:Bearing; Drive Power:Self Aligning; Drive Speed:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032R1K1AYNMMC+PGP505A0 Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.0; Drive Speed:SKF; Flow:N/A; Control Fluid Drain:0.321; Torque:B00152; Maximum Torque:Shaft; Maximum rotational speed:Open; Rotary stiffness:Ball Bearing; Control Pressure Measurement:Polyamide; Case volume:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Sequence Valve:C3-Loose; Power:Double Row; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Weight (approx.):25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Pressurefree Operation:Metric; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Maximum angular acceleration:31171532; Rate Of Pressure Change:8482.10.50.68; Nominal Resistance:Bearing; Moment of inertia rotary group:Self Aligning; Maximum Volume Flow:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032L1D3AYNMFC Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Flow:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Maximum Torque:0.0; Moment of inertia rotary group:SKF; Case volume:N/A; Rotary stiffness:0.321; Sequence Valve:B00152; Drive Speed:Shaft; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Open; Pressurefree Operation:Ball Bearing; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Polyamide; Pilot Pressure:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Maximum angular acceleration:C3-Loose; Rate Of Pressure Change:Double Row; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Maximum rotational speed:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Drive Power:Metric; Control Pressure Measurement:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Power:31171532; Control Fluid Drain:8482.10.50.68; Weight (approx.):Bearing; Voltage:Self Aligning; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032R1K1A1NKCZ+PVAC1ECM Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Weight (approx.):Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Drive Power:0.0; Load Pressure:SKF; Flow:N/A; Voltage:0.321; Rate Of Pressure Change:B00152; Sequence Valve:Shaft; Pilot Pressure:Open; Torque:Ball Bearing; Maximum angular acceleration:Polyamide; Pressurefree Operation:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Moment of inertia rotary group:C3-Loose; Maximum Volume Flow:Double Row; Rotary stiffness:Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Maximum Torque:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Maximum rotational speed:Metric; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):31171532; Control Fluid Drain:8482.10.50.68; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Bearing; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Self Aligning; Power:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032R1K1A1NMRZ+PVAC2MCM Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Drive Power:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Case volume:0.0; Maximum Volume Flow:SKF; Maximum Torque:N/A; Power:0.321; Nominal Resistance:B00152; Determining Operating Characteristics:Shaft; Torque:Open; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Ball Bearing; Moment of inertia rotary group:Polyamide; Pilot Pressure:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Rotary stiffness:C3-Loose; Weight (approx.):Double Row; Voltage:Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Pressurefree Operation:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Metric; Maximum angular acceleration:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Drive Speed:31171532; Control Fluid Drain:8482.10.50.68; Maximum rotational speed:Bearing; Control Pressure Measurement:Self Aligning; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032L1K1AYNMMC+PGP505A0 Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Determining Operating Characteristics:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Drive Power:0.0; Flow:SKF; Maximum angular acceleration:N/A; Load Pressure:0.321; Moment of inertia rotary group:B00152; Maximum Torque:Shaft; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Open; Weight (approx.):Ball Bearing; Rotary stiffness:Polyamide; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Control Fluid Drain:C3-Loose; Control Pressure Measurement:Double Row; Torque:Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Power:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Pressurefree Operation:Metric; Drive Speed:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Pilot Pressure:31171532; Sequence Valve:8482.10.50.68; Voltage:Bearing; Maximum rotational speed:Self Aligning; Maximum Volume Flow:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032R1K1AYNDCC+PGP505A0 Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Torque:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Sequence Valve:0.0; Flow:SKF; Control Pressure Measurement:N/A; Control Fluid Drain:0.321; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):B00152; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Shaft; Maximum Volume Flow:Open; Drive Power:Ball Bearing; Weight (approx.):Polyamide; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Maximum rotational speed:C3-Loose; Moment of inertia rotary group:Double Row; Voltage:Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Pressurefree Operation:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Load Pressure:Metric; Power:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Maximum angular acceleration:31171532; Drive Speed:8482.10.50.68; Nominal Resistance:Bearing; Rotary stiffness:Self Aligning; Pilot Pressure:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032R1K1AYNMMC+PGP511A0 Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging | Power:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Maximum Torque:0.0; Maximum rotational speed:SKF; Pilot Pressure:N/A; Voltage:0.321; Determining Operating Characteristics:B00152; Rotary stiffness:Shaft; Maximum angular acceleration:Open; Control Fluid Drain:Ball Bearing; Moment of inertia rotary group:Polyamide; Weight (approx.):ABEC 1 | ISO P0; Flow:C3-Loose; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Double Row; Rate Of Pressure Change:Allowable Misalignment 3 Deg | High Capacity Design; Case volume:25MM Bore; Shaft Mount; 62MM Outside Diameter; 24MM Inner Race Width; 24MM Outer Race Width; Open; Polyamide Cage;; Torque:Metric; Drive Speed:Self Aligning Ball Bearings; Drive Power:31171532; Control Pressure Measurement:8482.10.50.68; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Bearing; Nominal Resistance:Self Aligning; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2305 ETN9/C3; Weight / LBS:0.708; Outer Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; D:2.441 Inch | 62 Millimeter; d:0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter; Inner Race Width:0.945 Inch | 24 Millimeter; bore diameter:25 mm; precision rating:Not Rated; outside diameter:62 mm; maximum rpm:16000 RPM; overall width:24 mm; cage material:Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon; bore type:Straight; finish/coating:Uncoated; closure type:Open; maximum misalignment:3 °; internal clearance:C3; outer ring width:24 mm; dynamic load capacity:27 kN; fillet radius:1.1 mm; static load capacity:7.1 kN; series:2300; |
PV032R1K1AYNUPR Parker Piston pump PV032 series imported with original packaging Video
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- Sydffk Pump Inc.
- AddressPO Box 467, Sugarcreek, OH 44682
- Phone(Working Time)(330) 473-1023
Parker Piston pump PV032 series CATEGORIES
- Daikin Hydraulic Piston Pump VZ series
- Original Rexroth AZPF series Gear Pump
- Original Rexroth AEAA4VSO Series Piston Pump
- Original Rexroth AAA10VSO Series Piston Pump
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- Daikin Hydraulic Vane Pump DV series
- Original Rexroth AZPU series Gear Pump
- Original Rexroth AZPGG series Gear Pump
- Original Rexroth AHAA4VSO Series Piston Pump
- Daikin Hydraulic Vane Pump DP series
- Original Rexroth A11VO series Piston Pump
- Original Rexroth PGH series Gear Pump
- Daikin Hydraulic Piston Pump VR series
- Original Rexroth AZPS series Gear Pump
- Original Rexroth A10VSO Series Piston Pump
- Daikin Hydraulic Vane Pump DS series
- Original Rexroth AA10VSO Series Piston Pump
- Original Rexroth AA4VSO Series Piston Pump
- Original Rexroth A10VG series Piston Pump
- Original Rexroth A10VO Series Piston Pump
- Original Rexroth AAA4VSO Series Piston Pump
- Original Rexroth AZPJ series Gear Pump
- Original Rexroth AZPGF series Gear Pump
- Original Rexroth AZMF series Gear Pump
- Original Rexroth PGF series Gear Pump
- Daikin Hydraulic Rotor Pump DR series
- Original Rexroth AA10VO Series Piston Pump
- Original Rexroth A4VSO Series Piston Pump
- Parker Piston pump PVAP series
- Vickers Vane pumps
- Vickers Variable piston pumps PVH Series
- Yuken Vane pump 50F Series
- Parker Brand vane pump PVS Series
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- Parker Vane pump PFVH series
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- Hydraulic Vane Pump
- Oil Pump
- Hydraulic Valve
- Hydraulic Piston Pump/Motor
- Hydraulic Gear Pump
- Hydraulic Gear Pump
- Hydraulic Vane Pump
- Hydraulic Piston Pump/Motor
- Hydraulic Valve
- Oil Pump
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